Meet Our New Blog Writer, Taras Pleskun
We're thrilled to welcome a new member to our team. Meet Taras, our new blog writer! Taras brings another voice, as well as a hell of a...
Meet Our New Blog Writer, Taras Pleskun
Removing Phosphate with PNS Bacteria
What in the Hell is PNS YelloSno™?
R. palustris Reliably Consumes Plant/Macroalgal Rubbish
Diazotrophic Bacteria in the Reef Aquarium (The Most Important Article You'll Ever Read About Coral)
Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria as a Probiotic Aquarium Food Additive
The Return of (Vastly Improved!) PNS ProBio™
A Native Rift Lake Plant for African Cichlid Tanks
PNSB Shown to Play Role in Coral Productivity
Phenolic Compounds in Stuckenia Shown to Deter Herbivory
PNSB Shown to Remove Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate from Aquaculture Wastewater
An Introduction to Eurasian Watermilfoil
An Overview of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria